Massage Therapist at Yonge and Eglinton area Specialized in Sports Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Passive Stretching, Prenatal Massage,Lymphatic Massage, Geriatric Massage, Massage for Chronic Pelvic Pain, Massage for Multiple Sclerosis & Cranio-Sacral therapy.
Same day appointment clinic open 6 days a week, clinic is a 2 minute walk from the subway station.
Ramil spent several years working in Healthcare and gained valuable experiences that helped him develop the knowledge, skills and attitude to establish professional relationship with his clients. He had experience working in a Multidisciplinary Clinic (MVA & Rehab) and a Complex Continuing Care & Rehabilitation Hospital in Toronto.
He provide personalized treatment tailored to individual needs. He does a thorough clinical assessment on the client’s initial visit to determine the best plan of care and course of treatment.
“Knowledge, skills, common sense and empathy are his tools in ensuring that he give the best treatment for your pain problem”
“For several years he had suffered from intermittent and oftentimes paralyzing back problem. He understand the difficulty of not being able to move because of the excruciating pain. He feel helpless as pain medication does not work. he surely understand the physical and mental anguish of his clients because he experienced them himself”
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