Our facility includes:
* Unlimited parking
* Men and Women’s change rooms with two showers in each
* Lockers with key provided
* Lounge area
* Complimentary water during each visit
Equipment list
* 4 professional grade platforms with rack, a barbell and 500 lbs of bumper plates per rack
* 3 Wall racks
* Deadlift Platform with band attachments
* Various Specialty Bars
* Hundreds of pounds of metal plates
* Full Cable Machine (Seated Row / Lat Pull Down / Cable Crossover)
* Glute ham raise
* Reverse Hyperextension
* True Form Treadmill, Two Concept II Rowers, Assault Bike
* Kettlebells 8kg – 32kg
* Dumbells from 5lbs to 120lbs
* 2,700 square feet of professional grade artificial turf with 5 yard markers
* 2 climbing ropes
* Hurdles / Agility Cones / Plyo Boxes
* Prowlers, sleds, farmers walks, stones, yoke, battle ropes, arm over arm rope
* And much more!
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