Residential Home Sale and Lease
An immigrant from Hong Kong since 1999, Catherine worked as Strategic Pricing Managers for major blue-chipped companies in Toronto e.g. Bell Canada,Telus, and Wind Mobile before she became a realtor after she turned 40. It was a life changing experience for her since she became a realtor. With her strong work ethics and progressive attitude in Marketing and pricing, she often sold homes for the new records in Markham and Toronto area. She takes time in reviewing the TREB reports, comparison, and giving her insights on the pricing trend to her clients. Dare to challenge the norms, she was able to produce GREAT results for her clients. “Buy low sell high” is the way she strive for in this business. Since she became a realtor, she never looked back her 6-digit salaried “job” because she was doing even better in this new “career” !
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