1. Responsive “Mobile First” Web Design
Today your website is displayed on a multitude of devices. Responsive “mobile first” websites are becoming the norm with 1.2 billion mobile web users worldwide, 25% of mobile web users are mobile only. Mobile device sales are increasing with 85% of new handsets able to access the mobile web.
Think of a website like a stack of blocks, each block is a piece of information on the page of your website. A good web designer knows exactly where these blocks will be on any size and shape of screen, and takes the time to make sure that the information that needs to be there, is upfront, and easy to find on any device.
The web is now portable and it’s at your fingertips.
2. Social Media & Brand Trust
Today everything is either on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube or Twitter. Social media is powerful. Friends tell friends about amazing products and services they discover. How can you use the power of social media to create and hold your customers trust?
Sites can improve brand trust by showcasing social media posts & reviews, display logos of their prominent partners, including links to their media sources.
You need to give the public a social platform to rave about your products then use their testimonials to your advantage.
3. Page Loading Times
Layout is more than just making things fit on a page, there is a distinct way that we read and absorb information. Some of my design decisions come from experience and of course what was taught to me, but sometimes decisions are really pure instinct.
Using vector based images will save a huge amount of load time, and look amazing on any device at any size. Building a custom font made out of the icons and symbols used on your website will also save a huge amount of load time.
There are many ways to improve load time.
4. Retina / 4K Ready Web
What is the point of making a website that is obsolete in a year? Retina and high density displays are the future.
Part of the reason that WordPress has become has become so popular is because it does an amazing job at knowing what device the user is on, and populating the appropriately sized images to their device. An example would be a “Retina” tablet, or laptop. Text will always look amazing and crisp on these devices, because it is vector based, not raster based. But images can look dull and blurry, unless you build specifically for high density displays.
But can the website can only look as good as the device you look at it with? Well actually, it will look even better.
5. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
What exactly is “SEO”? And what can it do for my website?
Today’s search engines have to do a lot more work than they ever have in the past. To know what search engines are looking for you have to predict what people are looking for and also how they are asking for it.
Most people today search with short phrases or even just questions when looking for products and services online. Lots of marketers see SEO as a source of free traffic. Which is true but the real purpose of SEO is to help people who are looking for you and your services, to actually be able to find you.
To do that you have to match the content on your website to what people are trying to find.
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