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Certified and Experienced Tutor ®

Extensive teaching and financial industry experience, available to teach for CPA PREP Modules, university and college accounting & tax courses. I have tutoring experience with students from the CPA/CMA/CGA Program, University of Toronto, York, Waterloo, Humber & Seneca College; I will teach subjects in the most easy and practical manner with specific focus on concepts and their professional applications through Questions and Answers.

Over 4000 Hours of tutoring Experience to Canadian students

Personal and Corporate Tax – All levels

CPA PREP Modules 5.1, 5.2
CPA PREP Module 1, 2, 8

•Introductory Accounting
•Introductory Management
•Intermediate Accounting-Assets
•Intermediate Accounting-Liabilities and


•Tax Profile Software(Individual & Corporate)

Services Offered: In person tutoring, online tutoring , assignment assistance

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